20-months old

When did my sweet little Noah get SO BIG? He is now 20 months old and I feel like he was just an itty bitty baby laying in my arms yesterday. Now he is out running around the neighborhood getting into all sorts of trouble! He's not saying much at all but I keep telling myself when he's ready to talk he will. (I secretly hope it's soon though) A lot of people have told me to enjoy it now b/c once he learns to talk he'll never stop. But I look forward to hearing his little voice and for him to be able to communicate with me instead of just whining and getting frustrated that he can't talk. Anyway, he loves to go outside and take walks with Mommy however he like to be the leader and a lot of the time when Mommy is ready to go home Noah isn't and that turns into a big challenge for me to somehow get him back home. He loves to pull around his new little plastic wagon or hold the mail key and go get the mail. He's the cutest kid ever and I love him to death!!!

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